Make Fashion Edu Tucson 2020 Student Production Video

by | Aug 10, 2020

Gavin, SteamHead’s Californian intern and current middle school student, edited and cut together this year’s MakeFashion Edu video! This is our first student-led production, with students both filming and editing. Here are some words from Gavin on the project:

“This is the MakeFashion Edu Tucson 2020 video. In this video you can see students from various different ages showing off their hard work and amazing outfits. I was so excited to hear that I would be working on a project for SteamHead and Make Fashion Edu were I would get to use a higher level editing software than normal. I turned it into a more fun and upbeat video with a new song. I also edited it so the cuts and transitions flow better with the beat of the song.

I learned through various YouTube videos and got some help from Mike Shaw and James Simpson. I had a lot of fun experimenting with various techniques and effects. Everyone did a great job in the fashion show and this was overall a great experience. If you want want to watch the video click on this link:”


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