Ross Atkin

Ross stayed with us for just a few nights! Also, he was an exceptional resident who had already been working out the details of his community service, and had everything prepared and planned as the main purpose of his trip. We offer a free residency room to makers willing to help out the local community, usually their service is in tandem with their personal goals but here they were one and the same!
From Ross’s website:
I am a designer and engineer based in Hackney, East London. I am interested in older and disabled people, digital technology and public space ad work on projects that combine at least two of these areas.


Workshop Insights

These two girls created everything with the help of their parents. A funny bit is that the girls and the parents were ALL not focused on engineering or anything technical. They wanted to Use technology for their project, but weren’t interested in learning all the details. This is FANTASTIC!

“Making”, EdTech, Design Thinking – all of these things seem to be focused on STEM careers but I feel they are actually not. Using technology doesn’t mean that you love engineering. Keep that in mind while building your own fashion tech projects!

Read more here:

Luke Henderson

Luke Henderson hails from the Manchester, England and has been living in Shenzhen, China for five years. Avid tinkerer in both physical and digital realms, Luke loves deconstructing tech to integrate into constructions for new innovations.

Luke has a love of languages and is an active advocate of the Maker Movement. Founding member of SteamHead, project manager at Wiki Factory, and freelance maker educator. He has frequented many Maker Faires, run his own makerspace, and has designed maker curriculum covering a wide range of topics from 3D modeling, soldering, to computer programming.


Emma manages our door code, selecting trustworthy hackers and makers from the sea of community in Shenzhen! She has also brought many residents to the space, worked on projects, and helped establish the culture and behavior in SteamHead’s main workspaces!

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