SteamHead Courses on “The Shelf”

SteamHead and MakeFashion Edu courses have moved to this site,! Find it under “The Shelf”. The new course has more media and formatting, which makes it super easy to read quickly and pull out the resources you need for your class that day. Teachable has been awesome, but is primarily is for video / talking-head content. On our site, we can deliver printable PDFs and easy-to-read course plans to you! We do love video, btw, and you can see our best videos at Here is a great set of two videos to watch around Fashion Tech in the classroom, and see the channel for runway videos with amazing student outfits lighting up the show:


The Teaching Plan

The Result


See you on the new platform! If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us.

Getting to know the SteamHead Team: Twila Busby

We’d love for you to get to know the SteamHead team better. In this series of posts, we ask the great people behind SteamHead some questions about the organization, the pandemic and their hobbies!


Next up is Twila Busby.

What’s your favourite student project and why?
I can’t remember the project piece, but I will always remember a young designer telling me that the MakeFashion Edu Runway Show was the “best day of her life”! I think kids do not have enough opportunities to create something wonderful and share it with others (besides their class and teacher). So when they can show and talk about their work with adults who are interested, I think that is very motivating for them.

What’s the best part about working in SteamHead?
The community and the support to do good things with kids.

What are some things you’d like people to know about SteamHead?
1) Send money so that we can extend our reach and spread the word!
2) We try to be intentional in what we do, even with projects that seem whimsical.
3) We love to learn and are never satisfied with the status quo.

What do you miss the most that you weren’t able to do during the pandemic?
At first is was just not being able to travel and gather together and see students in person, now it is not being able to see their faces because of the mask wearing.

What is one positive thing that came out of the pandemic?
The chance to slow down and prioritize. Using Mozilla Hubs as an exhibition venue.

How has the pandemic affected the way things in Steamhead are being done?
Much more remote work and thinking about two tracks of curriculum; virtual and in person.

What’s one topic that you could talk about for hours and hours?
K-12 Education and Learning

What’s your favorite season and why?
In Tucson, it is fall because the weather cools down a bit, but it isn’t cold. Other places it would be spring when everything starts blooming.

What show/video/thing are you bingeing on right now?
Just finished Netflix’s Baking Impossible, where a baker and an engineer are paired up to use edible ingredients to create something that passes stress tests, such as shake tables, obstacle courses, floating. I like shows where people demonstrate great skills.


Learn more about Twila by reading her profile here.

Zoom Reflectors

Using John Umekubo’s (@jumekubo on Twitter) Pocket Document Camera design and Amazon boxes, Twila and Elisa Busby just finished cutting/scoring and gluing 120 reflectors for their Tucson, Arizona students. This device redirects a laptop camera from the student’s face to their keyboard, where they can set a paper to draw or write on.
Students can simply hold up a paper to show their work, but it requires a teacher to interrupt the work, break the creative flow, and move from a creative process to a presentation process. This handy mirror is easy to put in place when it’s time to get to work!
“No more holding up the papers trying to get them in front of the laptop camera. Now they can lay designs and work flat on the keyboard and we can see!”, says the duo.
The Tuscon school district will be remote for at least 1 month more and some kids for the whole year. These reflectors will be so helpful. Cost about 25¢ each.
This project extends beyond online-learning during the pandemic, because learning **with** computers and digital documentation is here to stay! Invest time and care into your online programs now, and carry them forward into the classrooms when we are all back together!

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