Tucson MakeFashion Edu

MakeFashion Edu has landed with a flash in Tucson, Arizona! Check out this video of the runway show we just finished.

Tucson has the fortune of being home to three of Shenzhen’s finest PBL teachers, veterans of Shenzhen American International School in Shekou. In fact, they were part of the team that created the PBL program at SAIS.

Students from Tucson Unified School District, #TUSD, took part in a 3 month program and developed some amazing works. Carrie, Mike, and I drove a grueling 16 hours from San Francisco to spend a week meeting the kids, hearing their story, and helping to build the runway for them to share the stories and projects they have been working on for so long.

the new Classroom Kits, plus fabric and clothes from home. The teachers actually got a grant to purchase these materials, and helped us create the kits!
Starter Guides
fiber optic makeup, bit lighting, pillow dress

Search for neo-pixels on Instructables.com, and you can find a bunch of stuff!

Workshop Insights
Want to bring a program like this to your school district, or even just your classroom? Contact the team at http://www.makefashion.ca/edu/home/contact/


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